Embassy of the Earth is set up as ‘a free haven’ that includes and goes beyond religion, politics and power. Embassies of the Earth can found all over the planet. They are not brick and mortar, but flexible, movable gathering places. Like the Yurt, a tent that still plays a central role with nomadic people in Mongolia. But it could easily be any tent, longhouse or lodge for that reason. Striking down where the need arises. Mobile, light on our feet, in tune with the rhythms and cycles of place.
Embassy of the Earth has an extensive track record of setting up communities of problem holders, stakeholders to solve problems simultaneously, faster and on a continuing basis. Ways to multiply the problem solving capacity exponentially. With common ground, possible futures, clear strategies, attainable objectives and far enough horizons, communities of learners, planners and designers are radically transforming their current realities of threat, stagnation and destruction.